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Monday, November 12, 2018

Use It or Lose It! Five Reasons to Use Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before the End of the Year

When it comes to dental benefit plans, millions of people each year are leaving money on the table. Are you one of them?

According to the National Association of Dental Plans, only 2.8% of PPO dental plan participants reached or exceeded their plans annual maximum. Your current plan will most likely run out on December 31, which means it’s a great time of year to take advantage of everything your dental insurance provides.

Here are five reasons why the friendly staff at Raleigh dentist Jeff M. Morrison & Associates want you to make a dental appointment today:

Yearly Maximum Does Not Roll Over

The yearly maximum is the most money that the dental insurance plan will pay for your dental work within one full year. This amount varies by insurance company, but the average tends to be around $1,000 per year, per person. The yearly maximum usually renews every year (on January 1 if your plan is on a calendar year). If you have unused benefits, these will not rollover, so you should utilize all of the benefits while they are still active.

Deductibles Starts Again With New Year

The deductible is the amount of money you must pay to your dentist out-of-pocket before your insurance company will pay for any services. Your deductible starts again when your plan rolls over with the new year.  This means it's best to take care of all your dental work in the current year before you have to pay the deductible for the new year.

If you need more extensive dental treatments involving multiple visits, the end of the year is the perfect time to get started. Once your deductible is paid, your out-of-pocket expenses can decrease dramatically, making it an ideal situation for larger dental treatments.

Premiums Are Paid Each Month – Use Them!

Even if you don’t need any dental treatment, your coverage probably includes a dental cleaning and exam every six months to help prevent and detect cavities, gum disease or other problems. If you haven’t had a cleaning in the last six months, now is an excellent time to schedule an appointment with Raleigh dentist Jeff M. Morrison & Associates, DDS.

Fee Increases with the New Year

Some dentists raise their rates at the beginning of the year due to the increased cost of living, materials, and equipment. A fee increase may make your copay higher. Thus, if you need to see the dentist for any reason, you should do it while your current rates and copay remain, as they could potentially go up in the following year.

Dental Problems Usually Worsen

By delaying dental treatment, you're risking more extensive and expensive treatment down the road. Most dental problems don’t get better on their own. What may be a simple cavity now, could turn into a root canal later. If you have any potential problems, call your dentist and schedule an appointment before the year is over before your minor dental problem becomes a major one.

We’ll Help You Minimize Costs

If you’re getting close to your annual maximum, we can help create a plan to maximize your benefits by splitting your treatment between this year and next, allowing you to use the benefits you have remaining this year while at the same time taking advantage of your renewed dental benefits available in 2019.

This approach can help minimize out-of-pocket expenses by using your coverage in an optimal way. If you need more assistance making the costs of dental care more manageable, we offer financing options like Care Credit that can give you the opportunity to spread out-of-pocket costs over a manageable time period, sometimes without any interest charges. Also – don’t forget to use your Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), which can help pay for dental and medical care with pre-tax dollars. Like dental benefits, if unused, your FSA is lost.

Don’t leave your hard-earned money on the table – and don’t go without the dental care you need! Go ahead and get that appointment scheduled. We'll help you maximize your dental insurance benefits and  end the year with a healthy, beautiful smile.

Ready to schedule an appointment? Contact our staff at (919) 755-3450 or schedule you appointment online at: