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Monday, May 7, 2018

Eight Reasons to Schedule a Dental Visit

We all know regular dental visits at least twice a year are recommended. We also know bleeding gums and tooth pain means you should see your dentist as soon as possible. But what are some other signs or symptoms you may be experiencing that should signal it’s time for a dental visit? Here are to eight to consider….

1. You’ve quit smoking or chewing tobacco.

Quitting tobacco is important for your overall health, and is good for oral health as well. A dental visit after tobacco cessation allows your dentist to check your full mouth with a cancer screening. They will also check your teeth and gums for signs of gum disease and help you create a plan of action to achieve a happy, healthy mouth.

2. You have ongoing medical issues

Make your dentist part of your team if you have a medical condition (such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, eating disorders or are HIV positive), or you are undergoing medical treatment (such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy or hormone replacement therapy). Many diseases and conditions can have an impact on your teeth and gums.  The opposite is also true - poor oral health can make some medical conditions worse. Healthy teeth and gums can be key in your recovery.

3. You're pregnant.

A major shift in hormone levels can lead to changes to your oral health. In fact, pregnancy can make some dental problems worse, so don't miss your regular checkup. Also, many pregnant women discover their normally healthy gums may start appearing red, swollen, or even bleeding when brushing. If this occurs, visit to the dentist is a good idea. It's safe to go to the dentist while pregnant. Plan on a visit in your first trimester. Remember to tell your dentist about frequent morning sickness (frequent vomiting can erode your enamel), and problems with your gums.

4. You wake up with headaches 

If you go to sleep feeling well, but are waking with headaches, you could be unknowingly grinding or clenching your teeth at night. You may also notice soreness in your jaw when you chew your first meal of the day. Jaw misalignment, TMJ, or grinding can all be discussed at your dentist visit. Your dentist can offer suggestions and solutions, such as mouth guards, to reduce headaches and protect your teeth from excessive wear.

5. You were recently diagnosed with acid reflux.

GERD and acid reflux can cause stomach acids to climb up the esophagus, sometimes as far as the mouth. This can result in unusual tooth erosion and other periodontal problems. Seeing your dentist can allow you to create an action plan to limit damage and even save teeth.

6. You can’t kick that bad taste in your mouth.

An odor or bad taste that doesn’t go away, even after brushing, can be a sign of a more serious condition, such as a saliva gland infection. Frequent, persistent bad breath can also be caused by mouth dryness or uncontrolled bacteria. Your dentist can offer some treatments and solutions.

7. You try to hide your smile

OK - this is not really a "condition", but smiling is important to your well-being.  Whether you're self-conscious about a missing tooth or embarrassed by a dull smile, don't be shy about talking to your dentist.  You may be surprised at some of the reasonably priced cosmetic options now available as well as financing options - such as CareCredit.

8. You're having trouble eating

Difficulty chewing or swallowing is not the norm. Try eating soft or liquified foods until you can see your dentist.

Schedule Your Dentist Visit Today

Of course this list is not all inclusive, so any time you have a concern with your mouth, teeth, jaw, or gums a dentist visit is recommended. You can contact the Raleigh dental practice of Jeff M. Morrison & Associates at (919) 755-3450 and speak with our friendly staff OR schedule online at:  We look forward to seeing you. 

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