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Monday, September 18, 2017

Seven Steps to Take This Fall for Better Dental Health

  1. Clean Out that Mouth! If you’re a homeowner, you’re probably thinking about cleaning out your gutters this time of year. The same goes for your teeth – particularly if it's been awhile since your last cleaning. So, pull out your calendar and give us a call or go online to schedule an appointment.  
  2. Replace Your Toothbrush: Homeowners and renters are familiar with the drill of replacing heating and air conditioning filters, or batteries in your smoke detector, with the change of seasons. This is also a great time to switch out your toothbrush. Here are a few tips on choosing the right toothbrush to make sure you pick the right one.
  3. Pick up a Pack of Xylitol Gum: This is one little secret that’s starting to catch on. Use a sugar-free gum that contains Xylitol – a natural sweetener derived from plants. It doesn't break down like sugar and can help keep a neutral pH level in the mouth. Both of which can help you avoid cavities.
  4. Eliminate a Habit: Whether it’s smoking, acidic beverages, or chewing tobacco, try eliminating a habit that does harm to your teeth. Doing so now is a good idea because outside the holidays, there are fewer demands on your willpower reserves, making a successful effort that much more likely.
  5. Pick up a GOOD Habit: There are a lot of great dental habits you can pick up that benefit your teeth year-round, like wearing a night guard if you grind your teeth at night, going with better food choices, or wearing a mouthguard if you play sports. 
  6. Buy Yourself - or Someone You Love - an Early Holiday Gift: Why wait until the holidays to spoil yourself or a loved one? Start now by picking up a dental care tool to make your (or their) teeth look great, gums feel great, and breath smell great! There are a lot of options that are easy on your budget, including teeth whitening, electric tooth brushes, interproximal brushes, dental irrigators, and even tongue scrapers!   Do you know someone in need of dental care?  Buy them a year of preventive dental care with the St. Marys Dental Savings Plan.  
  7. Check in on Your Insurance Benefits: Don't let your dental benefits go unused. In most cases any unused portion is lost when your new insurance year starts, even though you have already paid for them! And, don’t forget, many of those dollars can be used for items other than actual exams.  Not sure if you have remaining dental benefits?  Give our office a call - we can tell you and also schedule that exam or treatment you have been putting off.  

Questions?  Need to schedule an appointment?  Give our friendly staff at call at 919 755 3450.  We look forward to seeing you in the office!  

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